Until man duplicates a blade of grass, nature can laugh at his so-called scientific knowledge. Remedies from chemicals will never stand in favor compared with the products of nature, the living cell of the plant, the final result of the rays of the sun, the mother of all life. -- T. A. Edison

Arom ChaiTea

  • Adaptogen

5 Healthy and Delicious DIY Iced Teas to Try This Summer

5 Healthy and Delicious DIY Iced Teas to Try This Summer

Summer is in its midst, and more backyard and pool parties are coming your way. WOW the crowd with those refreshing iced teas, that don't contain any refined ingredients and not overloaded with sugar. Not a party animal? Well, it's always a good idea to keep a pitcher of healthy revitalizing drink in your fridge.

WOW the crowd with those refreshing iced teas, that don't contain any refined ingredients, preservatives, and sugar.

Slow Cooker Spiced Chaga Peach Iced Tea

 If you have the patience to wait for a few hours, you will get rewarded with a delightful super-charged summer drink!
Why should you go for it:
Peaches are low in calories (only 39 calories per100 g/3.5 oz. ) and packed with vitamins and minerals that aid digestion and provide other health benefits. Cinnamon is used as a medicine in traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for centuries. Cinnamon is also used as a home remedy for heartburn, indigestion, and nausea. Cloves are known for their anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties. Finally, chaga is a nutrient-dense superfood that contains a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Unlike regular tea, chaga doesn't have bitterness and absorbs intense flavors without interfering with their taste. Hence, you will enjoy a glass of vibrant peach spiced tea without having a bland "just tea" aftertaste.

Slow Cooker Spiced Chaga Peach Iced Tea

Ginger and Honey Iced Tea

Grated ginger adds a delightful twist to this recipe. Instead of adding sugar, satisfy your sweet tooth with honey — a much healthier alternative.
Why should you go for it:
Ginger root has a range of health benefits, including improving digestion, blood sugar levels, and unhealthy cholesterol levels. Benefits of honey extend way beyond taste: the antioxidants in honey may prevent free radicals from damaging the cells that line the digestive tract, which can cause acid reflux. For centuries Mongolian tea was used in Russian, Tibetian, and Chinese folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting remedy.

Ginger and Honey Iced Tea

Detox Cucumber Honey Iced Tea

This tea is an ultimate, totally fresh, fruity way to get you back on track after an indulgent party (or during). Try to drink it daily for healthy digestion and, yeah, possible help on the weight loss journey.
Why should you go for it:
Lemon helps your digestion, flushes out toxins, and cleanses the liver. Strawberries seem to slow down glucose digestion and reduce spikes in both glucose and insulin following a carb-rich meal. Cucumber contains potassium, an electrolyte that regulates the amount of sodium retained in the kidneys. As mentioned above, the antioxidants in honey may prevent free radicals from damaging the cells that line the digestive tract, which can cause acid reflux. And willowherb and cornflower tea VENUS will help you reduce the water retention.

Detox Cucumber Honey Iced Tea

Cherry Basil Iced Tea with Twist

A right mix of fruits and herbs gives this cherry basil iced tea a refreshing twist.
Why should you go for it:
Basil boosts the digestive system. Cherries are known for their ability to combat gout and stimulate digestion. Limes contain compounds that help stimulate digestive secretions in the stomach. Also, the acid in the lime juice helps the saliva break down food. An herbal blend you will add to the mix will provide added benefits. We recommend our PANCREAS AID medicinal herbal tea.

Cherry Basil Iced Tea with Twist

Turmeric Orange Iced Tea

Are you looking for an anti-inflammatory drink? This Turmeric Tea is for you. It's healthy, delicious, and full of curcumin, an anti-inflammatory compound. Bottom's up for your health!
Why should you go for it:
Turmeric is associated with reduced LDL ("bad") and total cholesterol levels. Cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels and has diabetes preventing properties. Orange juice contains citrate, which has an excellent ability to prevent kidney stones by decreasing the urine acidity. Linden tea aids upset stomach, bloating, and constipation.

Turmeric Orange Iced Tea

Thinking about buying a bottle or can of iced tea? Think again! Many commercially produced iced teas are heavily processed and contain way more sugar than necessary. Right, there are reduced-sugar iced teas on the market, but why not make your own?

💚 Stay healthy and beautiful!

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